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HEN LIFESTYLE Lifestyle Parenting

Terrific Two’s: Nothing about My Two Year Old is Terrible

Months before our 2-year-old daughter, Riley Jayne was born my husband and I were bombarded with the “wait until she turns 2″, stories from parents forewarning us about the “terrible two’s”. Without debating with seasoned parents, we decided that we would lay a foundation for our daughter that would steer us clear of the so-called terrible two’s. Before we were parents, we would always hear from people who had kids that once they turn two years old it goes downhill…

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Lifestyle Motherhood Parenting

Yes I have a 2 Year Old, You Can Stop Staring Now!

Toddler Tantrums

This past weekend I was having lunch with my friend and her daughter. Our girls are the same age and they are in the same dance class. Afer class we occasionally go out to to lunch. This Saturday we decided to go to Cracker Barrel and of course we had to wait about 20 minutes for a table because it was Saturday. Luckily we got through that waiting period with no problems! Once we sat down we ordered our food…

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Lifestyle Motherhood Parenting

6 Things I learned as A New Mom

things I learned as a new mom

I’ve been a mom now for 2 years, which I know isn’t a long time at all. It has went by so fast that I cannot believe I have a 2-year-old toddler!! Everything other people tell you is nothing like it really is being a new mom. Every moms experience is definitely different. Honestly, there is no right or wrong way when it comes to being a new mom. The best preparation for this job is learning on the fly,…

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