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natural hair tips

HEN HAIR & BEAUTY natural hair

5 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair

Apple cider vinegar has amazing benefits for your hair and body. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been used to help promote healthy hair for a very long time. I knew that I had to add this to my regimen. Apple cider vinegar has so many benefits, but I wanted to focus on 5 that are amazing for your hair. Removes Buildup Rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar will help remove buildup resulting from the use of these many different styling products. I…

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Going Natural Tips Transitioners

4 Helpful Natural Hair Hacks


  Natural Hair Hack you say? A hack is a strategy or technique that is adopted in order to complete an activity in a more efficient way. So of course there are hacks within the natural hair world! Over the years I have learned several hacks that I wish I learned when I first went natural. They have helped me so much with my journey! Here are a few and I hope they help you too! Checkout these 4 helpful natural hair hacks.…

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