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Lifestyle Motherhood

More Than Just a Mom: Finding Your Identity Beyond Motherhood

Growing up I remember the adult women in my life always saying that once you are a mom your life is over. So naturally, if you are told that your whole life you start to believe it right?! I never knew what that meant until I got older. I realized that what they were saying was when you become a mom thats all you are is just a mom nothing else. You don’t get to enjoy the things you once…

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Lifestyle Motherhood Parenting

4 Ways to Maximize Family Time

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Ivory. As always all thoughts and opinions are my own. Is it just me or did daylight savings change things? If you are like me, then you might feel you can’t find enough time to spend together with your family. Look, my life is far from perfect. I can’t always cook dinner, sometimes I am too tired to play with my 3-year-old, and sometimes I don’t even want to talk to my…

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Lifestyle Parenting

Having A Child Does Not Mean Your Life Is Over

I’ll be honest, I was that friend who would always say that I did not want kids. My perception was that once you have a kid, your life is basically over. I heard from so many people that my life would be over because I became a mom in my 20’s. I’m thankful that I suddenly began to see that just because I was a mother my life was far from over. I was in fact still able to do…

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