Inspiration Lifestyle Personal Growth

How To Stay Positive During Stressful Times

The past few months have been stressful, to say the least. I have been working my best to stay positive during this time because I know things will eventually get better. The entire world is in a pandemic something that many of us have never experienced in our lifetimes. So all of this is new to us and its ok to feel how you are feeling.

Are you looking for ways to keep the positive vibes going on even the most stressful days? If so, my friend you’re not alone. Stress is something that affects everyone at some point in their life. Life can be very stressful and it is impossible to go through life without having a bad day or two. 

What I want you to know is that you can change how stress affects you. You can change how you respond to stress in your life. You have the choice to be stress-free. You have the power to turn things around with positivity. 

I started to work on being more positive in my life about 10 years ago. I struggled with being a positive person and would constantly complain. Nothing came of this for me and I searched for answers to help me be more positive. I learned I had to improve my outlook on life. I will be honest, it wasn’t an overnight success but through many years of consistency and really putting my all into my personal development as a person, positivity is now a pillar of my life.

My positive attitude in life has allowed me to look at the world in a positive way during good days and bad days.

Here are 5 tips to help you stay positive even when it is the last thing you want to do. 

Practice Gratitude Daily 

One of the best ways that you can keep the positive vibes flowing every day is to take practice gratitude daily. 

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous

Journal on white table with lined paper and pen on top with white candle on the table with a cup of coffee.

If you are feeling any type of negative vibes, or you are just having a bad day, try writing down five things you are grateful for. It is easy to turn a stressful day from bad to good when you think about all that you have. Every morning I write in my journal and I make a gratitude list. This has been effective for me and has helped me see the positive in my life on a daily basis. I also meditate after journaling. Try it out and let me know if gratitude lists help you.


When I am stressed, things seem like they are out of control and unorganized. I hate feeling unorganized, it puts a damper on my day. Prioritizing has helped me in many ways. It has helped me ease stress and it also helps me feel accomplished. 

I write a to-do list every day and cross of things I have done.  I tackle the most important things first and then focus on the rest. This has been very successful for me. 


Stay Positive And Put Everything Into Perspective

When things get really chaotic for me and I feel like everything is going wrong I breathe and repeat to myself “this too shall pass.” I remember each time that I have overcome a situation that I thought I never would have. It’s good to remind yourself that tomorrow will be a better day and that YOU are the only one who has the power to turn your day and situation around. Try to find the positive in every situation.

Learn How To Reframe Negativity 

So, of course, I have my days where I want to be negative or can feel myself starting to get in a negative mood. The trick to positivity is not avoiding negativity, It’s all about how quickly you can redirect your thoughts and focus from negative to positive. The ability to ‘reframe’ your thoughts is an important skill that I’ve practiced for years. I do acknowledge my negative thoughts, but I guide them to positive ones. For every negative thought, I think of positive thought. 

Make Changes To Things You Can Control

 I’ve spent many years as a worrywart. Spending time worrying about things you can’t change isn’t worth it. It’s not worth the stress believe me! Instead of focusing on things, you cant control try to focus on areas in your life where you can control. For example, if you don’t like your current job, find ways to make it exciting or take on a new project, or look for another job you may like better.  It’s always possible to make things better for yourself. 

Stay Positive And Do Something You Love

Photo of paint colors in cups with paint brush dipping into the brown paint color.

Participate in activities that you love. For example meditation, cooking, running, painting, blogging, or anything you love to do. Keeping yourself busy with what you love to do will help you take your mind off the negativity and problematic thoughts. 

I know right now is such a stressful time, but things will turn around for the better. I hope these tips help you stay stress-free. 

Related: Positive Affirmations

Have an amazing day!



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