This post is sponsored by Whirlpool. I received compensation, but all opinions are mine.
Have you heard of the Care Counts™ program by Whirlpool? I had the amazing opportunity to attend an event to learn more about Whirlpool’s Care Counts Laundry Program to help students in need of clean clothes. Did you know that every day, thousands of children miss school because they don’t have access to clean clothes? According to teachers nationwide, one in five students struggle with access to clean clothes.* Dirty clothes lead to students missing school, and students who miss school are seven times more likely to drop out.** Elementary students who frequently miss school are at risk of falling behind their peers and a limited future. A quarter of public school teachers have supported students with unclean clothes, spending their own money purchasing or laundering clothes.*** The Care Counts Program is helping to change children’s lives.

* Based on a survey conducted by phone within the United States by Braun Research among 600 public school teachers (18 years or older)
***Based on a survey conducted by phone within the United States by Braun Research from among 600 public school teachers (18 years or older)
What Is The Care Counts Program?
The Care Counts Laundry Program is committed to helping create educational equality by installing washers and dryers in schools to help remove a small but very important barrier to attendance, which is access to clean clothes.

How Does The Care Counts Program Work?
Every school is different, so program implementation differs by school and community. But, for example, the administration can help identify a trusted teacher, administrator or parent liaison to act as a Program Leader, who helps identify students to participate in the program.

How Was The Lack Of Clean Clothes Linked To Attendance Rates?
How Can You Help With The Care Counts Program?
*High-risk students is defined as elementary students on a trajectory to miss more than 15 days across the 2018-2019 school year (average of 1.5 days or more absent per month)
You can make a difference by nominating a school in need here or continuing to help spread the word about the Care Counts™ laundry program.
I am so grateful to be able to be a part of this amazing program to help children get access to clean clothes to help them succeed in school. This program is near and dear to my heart, and I will continue to spread the word to help children in need.