Wow, as I type this I can’t believe that it’s been over a month since I started my journey as a full-time entrepreneur (again second time’s a charm!). Back in 2016 I was let go from my position in healthcare and decided to freelance. I had no idea then that I would cut my full-time entrepreneur, journey short to go back into the somewhat corporate working world. I am just so proud of myself that I took the leap and pushed my fear aside and went for it. It’s not an easy thing to do, and this time hasn’t been super easy but it’s so rewarding. I’ve never resigned from a job before so everything leading up to my resignation gave me complete anxiety.
I left my job to pursue my dreams and its been the best thing that has happened to me. Yes, of course, I miss my job and co-workers but I had to do what was best for me. It hasn’t been a cakewalk, there are days that I am like wtf did I get myself into lol! But its super rewarding, I get to spend more time with my family and I am happy and that’s all that mattered.

So I get some questions about how I prepared to leave my job, and head into my journey to being a full-time entrepreneur. I want to give a little insight and some tips:
Have a plan and a savings account
I had a “plan” but I just knew in my mind that I could do this. I believed in myself and left the rest up to God and the Universe. I knew that if I put in the hard work would pay off for me. I made sure that I had enough in my savings account to cover any unexpected expenses and to be comfortable in case things didn’t go according to my plan.
I was already securing consistent collaborations with brands and also pitching so I felt comfortable about that part of my business. You should definitely have a plan on how you are going to pay bills during the transition, I talked with my husband and we determined how we would now pay the bills with our new transition. I may not be able to have Starbucks every day anymore, you have to learn how to adjust and figure out your new budget, etc. I also started to secure partnerships and freelance gigs while I was in my transition, so having things lined up really helped. I emailed some of my old contacts and it was a success. So I had several things lined up when I left my job. I also launched my social media agency and landed 3 clients within my first week of leaving my job. God is so good and I appreciate everything that has happened. I haven’t fully launched my agency to the public but I took on clients that I already had a relationship with. The plan is to get land more clients in the new year! I will announce soon so if you are reading this you are one of the first ones to know lol!
But Michelle, what have you learned? Yes, because I am always learning! Here are some things that I have learned in just over one month of full-time entrepreneurship.
Check out these tips on how to financially prepare to quit your job.
A Few Things That I’ve Learned in 1 Month as a Full-Time Entrepreneur
It’s not easy
This is something that I already knew. I’ve had days where I am like what did I get myself into? I know that hard times don’t last always so I am taking the lessons and learning from every experience.
Sometimes things don’t go according to your plans
This should be a given, right? I am constantly learning that sometimes things just don’t go as you planned and it’s ok. Pick yourself back up and keep it moving. Learn from the situation and move on. Don’t dwell because that is a waste of time, especially when you can’t do anything about the situation.
It’s okay to be proud of Yourself
I’m super humble about what I’ve done. Until today I haven’t shared publicly about my agency. I am also learning that it is ok to be proud of yourself and share your wins! None of this is to brag. I share to let you know that if you want anything you can do it too!
Of course, I will update you on everything in the weeks and months to come. This is just the beginning! Thank you all for your support on this new journey!