Do you plan out your day for success? Success is something that everyone wants to attain but it’s also something that not everyone is willing to work for. Success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process and even a lifestyle that you have to live by every single day. It takes a lot of hard work. Planning your day out is the first step to achieving success. Let’s talk about how to plan out your day. Take some time to jot down these tips for success.

Tip # 1 – Plan Out Your Day The Night Before
Habits are formed by creating routines. Routines are created by making a realistic schedule that you can stick to. You are human, not a robot. Sometimes, it’s hard for us to just get up and get after it when we wake up. Take some time before you go to bed to plan out your day. Grab a journal or open up the notes app on your phone to make a to-do list of everything you would like to get accomplished for the day. This will help you to hold yourself accountable and increase your motivation to complete these tasks. Take it a step further by planning out every aspect of your day; from meals to work to leisure. Don’t forget to leave a little “me time” in your schedule so you don’t burn out.
Tip # 2 – Wake Up Earlier
“Beep, Beep, Beep” The alarm is going off, but your pillows feel so good and your body is sinking into your mattress. Before you hit that snooze button for the third time, stop. It’s time to change it up. Sleeping in may feel good, but those morning hours are precious. Time is valuable and sleeping in will set your entire day back. Getting enough sleep is necessary for your health, so instead of binging on Netflix and scrolling on Instagram until midnight, set a strict bedtime. This will allow you to wake up a couple of hours before you need to be at work, school, or wherever your day is taking you. Turn on some music, have a healthy breakfast, get a workout in, meditate, and start checking off those tasks on your todo list.
Tip # 3 – “Chunking”
So, you’ve set out your schedule and you have 1,000 tasks to complete in 24 hours. Hold up, wait, and take a pause. Take the Tony Robbins approach called “chunking”. Instead of going on a mad dash to finish as much as possible in the hours you are awake, Tony recommends “chunking out” your time to “set realistic and achievable goals”. Use the morning hours to write for your blog. Take the afternoon to make calls to your business partner or complete your day at work. Use the evening to care for your family and get a workout in. However you approach it, try to group similar activities in the same time block so your focus stays on one thing. This is a very useful method for those of us who have an overwhelming amount of tasks to complete on a daily basis. Don’t be afraid to say no and let something go if too much is on your plate. You will thank yourself in the long run.
Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Use these principles to maximize your day, and be as efficient and successful as possible. My motto is plan out your day for success. Take a look at these success tips posted on the blog a few years back. All of these still stand true today. Success is hard work, but if you are willing to work for it, you can achieve it. Join the Happily Ever Natural family on Instagram , Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube . Follow these tips and let me know if they worked for you!