Meditation helped me to become a better mom. I’ve been meditating seriously for about 3 months straight. Before I was meditating off and on but I didn’t really take it seriously. I know that we’re all busy moms. We have a lot on our plates, from work to kids’ family activities, and marriages. Our kids throw tantrums, we have to prepare meals for our family, tend to their daily needs, and so much more. Whew, parenting can be a challenge.
I realized that I was yelling at my daughter a lot because I was super stressed. It actually had nothing to do with her most times. I was just stressed and would explode and yell. Afterward, I would feel bad, but I noticed that I needed to change in order to be a better parent for her. I was parenting from an empty cup. I wasn’t taking care of myself the way I should have been.
I started doing some research on things to help me with my stress. I started taking CBD supplements to help with my anxiety but I knew I needed something else too. I used to meditate all the time but I strayed away from it. I decided it was time to revisit meditation. There are so many studies and research on meditation and how the effects on the mind and body.
I read a survey that said 88 percent of parents who work can suffer from stress-related health problems. Yeah, that right there had me, and 43 percent struggle with anxiety or depression. I was part of that 43 % too because my anxiety was at an all-time high a few months ago.

What is Meditation?
If you don’t know what meditation is that it is an opportunity to practice the art of peace and calm. It is also a quick and effective way to recharge and refuel.
How Do You Meditate?
There are so many types of meditation. I usually go on YouTube and search for the types of meditations I am looking to do that day. The main goal of meditation is to train yourself to be aware of your feelings and thoughts and also to quiet your mind (this can be tough in the beginning but stick with it). When we let go of mental clutter, you’ll notice that you will begin to feel less frazzled, have less anxiety and feel more happy, focused and patient. I don’t know about you but I need all this as a mom.
I usually meditate first thing in the morning when I have time alone. I have a space set up in my home that is my sacred place. I usually sit with my legs crossed but I’ve found that laying down relaxes me more. The main types of meditation are guided meditation (this type of meditation is led vocally), relaxation meditation, and mantra meditation. There are also forms that include yoga, taking a walk outside, being in nature, journaling, praying, etc.
We all know parenting can be stressful but it does not always have to be like that. By practicing meditation I’ve learned that by regularly tapping into my consciousness which is the repository of awareness, peace, wisdom, and intuition, I was able to parent from the heart and less from the head and less yelling.

Here are 5 ways that meditation helped me become a better mom
- Helped me manage my emotions
- I had better compassion with my daughter and also my husband
- I am happier
- I am more attentive and present with my daughter
- My energy level has increased
- I am more patient with my daughter and husband and also our dog lol
- I stopped worrying, I live my life in the moment
Now you are probably like Michelle, how the heck do I fit meditation into my daily routine? Start off small, do a 5-minute meditation in the morning while the kids are still sleeping. So yes, you will have to wake up early. Or even squeeze a session in at naptime. Trust me it will be worth it. Or you could do one long session a week. Find the way that works best for your lifestyle. The easiest way is to start with a guided meditation. The more you meditate, the easier it will be to meditate.
I hope the helps mammas! Meditation has definitely helped me to become a better mom. Sidenote: This can also help anyone not just moms!