Lifestyle Parenting

Having A Child Does Not Mean Your Life Is Over

I’ll be honest, I was that friend who would always say that I did not want kids. My perception was that once you have a kid, your life is basically over. I heard from so many people that my life would be over because I became a mom in my 20’s.

I’m thankful that I suddenly began to see that just because I was a mother my life was far from over. I was in fact still able to do all the things I loved plus more! I had bought into the idea that once you become a mom, you lose the ability live your life how you want to. Thankfully, it took me not to long to realize that just because I am a mom, my life wasn’t over and that I am still able to do things I love to do, mostly by myself and without my child.

Being a mother didn’t stop me from landing my dream job, or traveling to Jamacia for the first time, or reading my favorite books, hanging out with friends, going on date night with my husband or doing what I love. I’ll admit that sometimes it is harder for me to do the things I want or need to do right at that moment because I have a child and we have to plan everything out, but it doesn’t make things harder or impossible. I will admit that my life has changed but it hasn’t ended at the slightest.

I will say that it probably is normal to fear that your life will change after having a child because it will. It is important to remember that there are plenty of reasons being a mom in your 20s, 30, or even 40’s doesn’t mean your life is over. Here are a few things to remember why being a mom does not mean your life is over:

Your child is not a jail or prison sentence.

I’ve heard this before and never understood why someone would say this. They say oh you in it for 18 more years. Yes, I am raising a child but I am not in prison. I can very well still do the things I like.

You can still work after having a child

Yes, some moms choose to stay at home and that is fine. I stayed at home for 8 months after losing my job it was great but it wasn’t for me. Just because you’ve had a kid doesn’t mean that you have to give up your career. In fact, your career and your goals that don’t involve your child, will not keep you from being a great mother. Don’t feel guilty about going to work either. On the same note being a great mom won’t keep you from being successful either. You can still work and be a mom.

You can still travel

Last year I took my family to Disney. You can take your child on trips, and travel the world if you want. Children are not banned from planes LOL! People do it every day! It may be difficult, but not impossible.

Being a mom doesn’t mean you lose yourself

The world or others will try to convince you that motherhood is your only identifier of yourself after giving birth. That will be a no for me. Some may say that you have to completely sacrifice Yourself and your life and your future plans and goals, in order to be a good mother. This is not true, you can still do you boo.

You can be other things too not just a mom

I always say I am a woman who just happens to be a mom. When you become a mother, you’re still you, don’t forget that, don’t loose yourself. You are still the same you, you just gained another part of you which is being a mom. I like to say that motherhood is one thing of the many things that makes you, you. It is not the only thing!

You can still accomplish your goals

If you have a child in your 20’s or 30’s or at any age, there is still time to accomplish your goals. Yes, some things might get put off but you still have time its never to late. Girl get out there and be great ok! You are an amazing mom remember that!

To all my mammas we got this boo!



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  • April EdwardsMcGaskey
    February 26, 2018 at 8:58 pm

    I’ll admit I tend to be the one that tells people who don’t have kids, “Enjoy life and take your time!” Lol! Your normal just turns into a new normal with kids. You definitely have to work at not losing yourself individually or as a couple. There is so much joy in parenting but we all have our days that we feel we don’t know what we are doing. But just seeing those little faces light up and the unconditional love they have for you makes it all worth while..

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