This post is sponsored by the Grove Collaborative. As always all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Are you looking to become more sustainable in your home? Have you considered your toilet paper when it comes to sustainable products to switch out? If you’ve been following me for a while then you know that I am the sustainability queen! We’ve been switching over so many of our household products to more sustainable options.

We were so happy when we found out about Seedling by Grove. Seedling by Grove offers paper towels and toilet paper that are made from soft and absorbent bamboo fibers instead of trees. Every purchase supports replanting forests across the US.
Did you know that every single year 94,000 plus trees are cut down every day for household paper? We are always looking for ways to help do our part in making our planet better. Here are a few reasons you should check out Seedling by Grove.

- Bamboo makes great paper and it regenerates much faster than trees: on average, trees take about 20 years to grow back after being harvested, but bamboo takes only three months.
- Bamboo fibers are soft, durable, and absorbent, making them ideal for household paper.
- Seedling bamboo is responsibly grown on family farms in China where it doesn’t need fertilizers or pesticides.
- Unlike other harvested bamboo, Seedling’s bamboo is not a source of food for panda bears.
- Seedling by Grove is a soft and sustainable alternative. Bamboo makes great paper and it regenerates much faster than trees: on average, trees take about 20 years to grow back after being harvested, but bamboo takes only three months.

Grove is on its way to planting 1 million trees by 2022. Every Seedling order plants trees! You know this is a cause that I am definitely behind one hundred percent! Their tree-planting initiative with the Arbor Day Foundation replants areas across the US affected by deforestation. This makes me super happy to purchase Seedling by Grove.

I am so excited to be partnering with Grove to tell you about their Seedling Set currently available! New customers will receive a Seedling Set for free with your first purchase. First-time customers will receive a free gift with purchase! Click here to get your set today!
What products have you swapped out recently? Have you tried or heard of Seedling by Grove?