This post is sponsored by the Flexible Packaging Association. As always all thoughts and opinions are my own.
If you haven’t considered or switched over to flexible packaging yet, it may be time to stop and think about doing so. If you’ve been following me then you know that I am a huge advocate for sustainability and flexible packaging helps to reduce the environmental footprint. It’s a win-win if you ask me. I am all about convenience and also saving the planet — flexible packaging provides both benefits for me.
What Is Flexible Packaging?
If you haven’t heard of flexible packaging let me tell you a little bit about it. Flexible packaging has been at the forefront of packaging innovation for decades, and its popularity continues to remain popular across many different product industries. Flexible packaging is any package or part of a package whose shape can readily be changed during use or when filled. Flexible packaging is produced from paper, plastic, film, aluminum foil, or also from any combination of these materials. This includes bags, liners, pouches, wraps, rollstock, and other flexible products. Flexible packaging helps to extend the shelf life of your products and it also offers many convenient features, such as the great impact of helping reduce food waste.
Why Choose Flexible Packaging?
Now, I am sure you’re wondering why you should even look into or choose flexible packaging. I am going to give you a few reasons why I stand behind flexible packaging and why I am happy to support the cause.
Convenience & Portability
As a mom, it seems like I am always on the go. Even though our routine has slowed down with the current circumstances, we’ve been driving to different locations and having family picnics! It’s so easy to grab my daughter’s applesauce packages and throw them in my bag for a snack while we are in the car on our way to our destination. I love products that are easy to open, store, and reseal.

Transportation and Storage
Flexible packaging is very lightweight and helps in reducing the number of truckloads to ship, and also reduces storage space when compared to other products packaged in rigid counterparts. Products that are packaged in flexible packaging weigh less and take up less space than some of the same products packaged in other forms such as glass bottles. Less weight and less space equal less gas needed for shipping, which in turn leads to a smaller carbon footprint! I also love how easy it is just to grab snacks and throw them in my bag. As a busy mom on the go most times, this is key!
Plastic often gets a bad rap but there is often an overlooked benefit of plastic. Plastic has the ability to cut down on food waste. In the U.S., 1/3 of food waste is from cooking or serving too much, and 2/3 of food waste is due to food spoilage. Flexible packaging extends the shelf life of food, both in-store and at home, helping to decrease food waste. Many of the convenience benefits of flexible packaging contribute directly to reducing food waste. It has a much smaller carbon footprint and overall impact on the environment. The reseal technology of flexible packaging also helps to ensure that the food maintains its freshness after several uses. Fresher products mean that less food will be thrown away because of spoilage.

Flexible Packaging Helps To Create Less Environmental Footprint
Flexible packaging requires less energy to manufacture and transport. It also reduces product waste, which in turn sends less material to landfills so we can help save the planet! There are so many environmental benefits of flexible packaging such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel usage, water usage, and high product-to-package ratio when compared to alternative packaging types.
Flexible Packaging can be Upcycled and Reused
Did you know that about 50% of flexible plastic packaging is easily recyclable through in-store drop-off programs? I had no idea about this and I am very excited to learn more. The other half can be chemically recycled or used as energy feedstock. To maximize value recovery and minimize environmental impact at the point of package disposal requires a conscious choice by the consumer. It is our mission to educate consumers on what flexible packaging can be recycled and locate local recycling locations for the different types of flexible packaging.
Have you heard of flexible packaging? What are your thoughts?