What is the last book you read? Did you enjoy it? Did you learn something from it? Some say everything you need to know about life is in a book. When it comes to personal growth and motivation, there is an entire sub-genre of self-help books. Literally hundreds! While some are very popular and others are low key, they all contain knowledge that can benefit your personal growth. If you’ve never read a self-help book, here are a few suggestions on where to start.

# 1 “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma
This story follows a lawyer who goes on a journey of personal discovery. It reads from the perspective of his pupil, a budding lawyer that is starting to fall into the same traps that his boss once faced. The boss, AKA “The Monk”, visits his student and tells him the story of how he found himself. He meets a man called Yogi Raman who shares an analogy with him that changes his life forever, and can change yours too.
# 2 “Atomic Habits” by James Clear
Personal growth involves building good habits and is the foundation of a happy life. In Atomic Habits, James Clear challenges the reader to start changing their habits at a small, “atomic level”. He argues that if you start small, it will be easier for you to continue improving. Eventually, those small changes will add up. He says “If you get just 1% better each day, you will be 365% better at the end of the year”.

# 3 “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
This is one of the most popular self-help books of all time and has been recommended by people from all walks of life. If you are looking at how to become a winner in life, this read is for you. The book uses the stories of very successful millionaires like Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, to shed light on certain principles. It is a denser read than the two I mentioned before, but it has some concepts that will last a lifetime. This book is more of a manual than a novel. It’s one that you want to keep around and refer to regularly. Napoleon Hill argues that reading about self-improvement is only the beginning of the process; you must take action to see the results.
# 4 “The Alchemist” by Paulo Cohelo
Another timeless classic, The Alchemist follows a young boy who travels across the desert in search of his calling. He begins as a sheepherder from a small town and is told that he can find a greater purpose if he seeks out The Alchemist. There are life lessons throughout the entire novel, and they can be applied to many different situations. The fictional novel makes for an interesting and very exciting read!

# 5 “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield
This book is a great read for beginners because of how it is organized. Steven broke up his ideas into 1, 2, or sometimes half-page entries which make it read more like a diary than a novel. But this diary is one you don’t want to stay away from. He talks about how we all have the innate ability to create and how we must combat the evils of procrastination and self-doubt, among other things, to reach our full potential.
Consistent reading is a habit that you develop over time, so don’t get discouraged if you can’t finish an entire book as quickly as you’d like to. Try pulling out a book for a half-hour to give your mind a break during your work from home schedule. Read a chapter before you head to bed. Take your time and enjoy the process. Don’t forget to join the conversation on Instagram , Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube and let me know what other books are helping you with your personal growth. Happy reading!