Hi beautiful people! I hope you are all having an amazing day! So If you follow me over on Instagram then you know that I recently embarked on my LOC journey! This is an exciting time in my life and I am so happy and excited to bring you all along on my journey.
If you are an OG follower and reader then you know that when I began this platform I started strictly as a natural hair blog. After having my baby in 2014 I pivoted and transformed my blog into a lifestyle blog. I did this because I wanted to share so much more than just about my hair.
I appreciate each and every one of you for continuing to rock with me through the many changes of my blog. And MY HAIR!! Yes so let’s talk about this LOC journey! I began my locs May 3, 2019 with the two strand twist method. There are so many ways to start locs including two strand twists (which is like a twist out but many more twists). Loc extensions, were you get hair added to your hair and begin your locs already looking formed. You can remove the extensions after a few years. You can also start with comb coils. This is probably best for those with shorter hair. The reason I started with two strand twists is because I wanted something that fit me and was easy for me. I didn’t want to cut my hair so this option was best for me. I will get washed and re-twist every three weeks until my locs mature.

I went to a professional loctician to start my locs because I wanted them to be done right and neat. I could have started them myself and most people do but I didn’t want that added stress on starting them myself.
I know getting locs is a super drastic change but when you are ready you just know it. I’ve been considering locing my hair for about a year. The way I feel about locing my hair is an unexplainable feeling. Over the past few months I’ve been really on a spiritual journey, learning, growing and really getting closer with myself. This loc journey is showing me so much! Patience will be key because this process definitely isn’t quick. I am learning to stop and really just enjoy life.

I will keep you all updated with my progress. It’s been 4 weeks. I got my first wash and retwist on May 30th. I go to my next appointment is June 22! Can’t wait to see my growth!
Have you ever thought about locing your hair?
Lisha Murray
June 11, 2019 at 9:47 amYou look gorgeous! Definitely, I feel inspired to try Locs. I’m tired of wearing wigs everyday.