Lifestyle Parenting

Keeping Our Teeth Healthy WIth Crest This Halloween

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Crest. As always all thoughts and opinions are my own.


Halloween is right around the corner and you know exactly what that means. Loads and loads of candy is in my near future lol! I love dressing up in fun costumes especially with my daughter. This year she is going to be a bee, the queen bee that is LOL! It’s always super fun to be someone else for a day. With this fun day also comes the candy. I love candy just as much as the next person, but lets face it, sometimes I can go a little hard on the candy. Did you know that 44% of parents admitted to eating mre Halloween candy than their children? But we will be good because we are going to brush brush brush after eating all of our candy this Halloween holiday.

I am super excited to be partnering with Crest to tell you all about the importance of your dental health. It’s super critical, especially during Halloween, because of the loads of candy that everyone will consume. Crest recently conducted a survey on adults’ habits during Halloween. Did you know that 86% of parents eat candy that was given to their child while trick-or -treating? Can we be each others accountability partners? I am going to make sure that after I consume all this great candy, I will brush twice daily! I know you are supposed to everyday but let’s be honest, sometimes I just forget. But, I am going to hold myself accountable because cavities are not fun at all!! I am making sure I set an example for my daughter as well so keeping my teeth healthy this Halloween season is a must.

I’ve been thinking that it would be super fun to play a prank on my daughter like Crest did to these little cuties! I can’t stop laughing!! You can view the video here:


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