Going Natural natural hair Tips

4 Healthy Hair Tips For Your Natural Hair Kid


Healthy Hair Care starts early! We spend so much time trying to figure out what products work on our hair, trying different styles, products and how to keep our hair healthy but what about the little ones hair? I know about this all to well. I am a new mommy and my daughter is 1 1/2. In the beginning I didn’t really do much to her hair, but now that she is a little older I want to make sure I am taking care of her hair properly. I have taken several steps and approaches when it comes to her tresses. The ultimate goal is that her hair is healthy, and that I am properly taking care of her hair. Here are a few tips that help me care for my little one’s hair.

Be Gentle

Don’t be rough with your little ones tresses. If they are like my daughter, they don’t want anyone to touch their hair. When detangling make sure that you are very gentle. Your little one’s hair is very fragile and delicate, so you will want to be as gentle as possible when detangling. Remember detangling is best when the hair is wet.

Low Manipulation Styles

I see the best results when I create low manipulation styles on my little one. I usually wash her hair on Sundays, detangle and place her hair in twists. I like to leave those in for 2 days and then I place her hair in a bun or two ponytails. I have seen major growth in her hair because I am not messing with it a lot. Protective styling is a great way to help protect your little ones strands and help it grow.


This is key especially during the colder months. You must remember to keep your little one’s hair moisturized. I use a gentle detangling spray that is also a leave in. Spray leave ins are best, they are easier and less messy! You can mist the hair daily.

Hair Protection at Night

Your little ones tresses need to be protected too. Make sure that you are covering your little ones hair at night. You can get a smaller bonnet for your child’s hair, or cover it with a scarf (if it will stay). The struggle!

What are some ways that you keep your little ones hair healthy?

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