This winter break my family has been having a blast! We recently had the opportunity to visit Medevial Times Dinner & Tournament in Chicago and we had a blast!!
About Medieval Times

If you’ve never heard or been to Medieval Times it is the #1Dinner attraction in North America! Travel through the mists of time to a forgotten age and a tale of devotion, courage, and love while at Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament. Imagine the pageantry and excitement that would have been yours as a guest of the royal court nearly ten centuries ago. Well, that’s exactly what you will experience at North America’s most popular dinner attraction! You will get to experience the electrifying show that features heroic knights on spirited horses displaying the astounding athletic feats and thrilling swordplay that have become hallmarks of this unique entertainment experience.

You will also enjoy a “hands-on” feast as the dynamic performance unfolds before you. The sweeping musical score and brilliant lights provide a fabulous backdrop for this spellbinding experience that blurs the boundary between fairy tale and spectacle! It’s truly a blast!!
When you first step into the castle you are greeted by a lord or lady telling you where to go. We had the VIP experience so we went through a different door. We then entered the Hall of Arms which is filled with Medieval decor. You can shop the various shops filled with merch or stop at the bar and get you a drink before the show starts!

The Experience
When it is time to enter, you will get seated at your table assigned. We were on the blue team so we sat in the blue section. There are really no bad seats in the house. There is a great view from every seat!

The show begins with dramatic smoke and strobe lights. The knights, horses, and the queen come out to introduce themselves. There is even a falcon show! I mean it was so great! The knights all come out and you root for your knight assigned to you to win the tournament. They perform cool tricks and show you what the horses can do.

They then start the tournament to see who will win it all. The fighting is not really violent kind of playful. When they go at it it’s really light and when they “wound” a knight they simply fall off the horse and walk off stage.
The Food!
The food was so good! My husband and I went a few years ago and really enjoyed the food so this is what we looked forward to this time around. If you are a germaphobe then this place probably isn’t the best for you considering you will be eating all of your food with your hands! We feasted on garlic bread, tomato soup, and roasted chicken! We had coffee and dessert as well. A meal fit for a queen and king lol!

We had an awesome time and was also able to snap a few photos with the actors and actresses after the show. Riley really loved meeting them! So if you have some free time this winter break with the kids, make sure you head to Medieval Times to check out the show!