Go to school they say, you will get a good paying job they say, go into a field that pays well they say! I decided to pursue Healthcare a job where I would always have a job right? I currently have a Master of Health Administration degree that I am not using at all. Meaning, I no longer work in the field of healthcare, and I don’t ever want to return to that field. I graduated with a degree two degrees that…
Losing My Job Was the Best Thing That Happened To Me
Posted on August 24, 2017It has taken me some time to write this post but I am ready to share my story and my testimony. If you have been following me for a while, then you remember that last year three days shy of my birthday trip to Los Angeles I was laid off from my job. I shared some of my story last year and you can read more about it here. September 21st, 2016 started like any other day but something felt off.…
“You attract the energy that you give off. Spread good vibes, Think positively, enjoy Life.” These are the words that I live by. But the truth is, I didn’t always think this way. I used to be a very negative person. No one wanted to be around me, and my energy brought others down. I am not afraid to admit that I did not like the person that I used to be. Negative thinking can have a strong and devastating…
Photo Credit: Ali Stone Everyone wants to live a happy, meaningful and fulfilling life so what is stopping you? We get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget to enjoy the simple things in life that can make it enjoyable. That used to be me, a few years ago. Just living and not enjoying my life. I used to just go through the motions and not even think anything was wrong with it. To live a meaningful…
5 Reasons Why All Moms Need Me Time
Posted on June 5, 2017Me time, what is that you ask? If you are a mom, then you know that me time is few and far in between. I am a mom of a 5-year-old and sometimes things can get crazy! Sometimes, I feel guilty when I want to step away for some time to myself, but I have learned that I can no longer skip out on having time alone. Being a mom is a rewarding job, but it is also hard at…