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Going Natural Hair Story HairCrush HairStyles Transitioners

6 Things That I have Learned While Being Natural

I began my natural hair journey in 2009. I transitioned for 24 months before cutting the reaming perm off of my ends. I will say that I have learned a lot, there have been good days, and not so good days. But all in all I am happy and I have learned to accept certain things. Sometimes Your hair won’t always dry! Raise your hand if this is true for you! Ever have this bomb twist out, you go to…

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Beauty Going Natural Hair Story HairCrush natural hair

Natural Hair Hack: Temporary Hair Color Using Maybelline Eye Tattoo

I know you are thinking of life hacks, simple things that we would never think of that make our lives easier!  This isn’t a life hack, but it’s a #naturalhairhack. I actually just made that up LOL! Yes a natural hair hack!! Have you ever wanted to color your hair  blonde, red or a bold color but you were too afraid or couldn’t because of your job? Or maybe you didn’t  want to permanently color your hair? Well I have the solution for you…. Temporary…

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Beauty Going Natural HairCrush HairStyles Style Tips Transitioners

Cheating a Bantu Knot Out!

I love the way bantu knots look but I can never get them right! They always come out horrible on my hair. You ever try a style so many times and it just doesn’t work for you? You want that look so you cook up how to get it doing something different?  Kind of a hack, a different way to get a similar look! Well that’s exactly what I did! I cheated the bantu knot out! Yay me! I love…

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