Personal Growth Wellness

25 Positive Affirmations To Start Your Day

When I was younger I never even knew what affirmations were. It wasn’t until I was older that I really began to use affirmations in my life. I honestly used to be so negative and thought that affirmations didn’t even work. This was until I started saying them out loud and daily. I write affirmations daily as part of my morning routine. My morning routine includes the following:

  • 5 to 10 Minute Meditation Session – First thing after I wake up
  • Read and write in my Journal

If you are not too sure what affirmations are they are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to support your success. Honestly, they’ve helped me become a more positive person. As I stated, I used to be super negative Nancy but changing my mindset has really helped me see the positive side of life. Repeating positive affirmations have helped me stay focused and achieve my goals. They have helped the way I think about myself.

You can use affirmations how you see fit but here is how I use them in my everyday life. Speak them aloud to yourself. You can do this in the mirror in the morning or even while you are on the loo in the morning LOL! I also write them down. When I journal in the morning I write my affirmations down and this has helped me be more confident with my affirmations.

Here are some of my favorite affirmations. I hope you find some that work for you. Feel free to add some in the comments and tell me your favorite affirmations.

25 Positive Affirmations To Jump Start Your Day

  1. The possibilities are endless.
  2. I align myself today with pure, fun positive energy
  3. I release all resistance of the past and move into the present moment
  4. Today I focus on what makes me feel good
  5. I practice the path of least resistance
  6. I maintain alignment with my source energy
  7. I am healthy
  8. I am confident
  9. I am beautiful
  10. I am surrounded by positive, supportive people who believe in me
  11. I believe in myself
  12. I am worthy of all the good life has to offer and I deserve to be successful
  13. I can accomplish anything
  14. I am motivated
  15. I am a money magnet. Money flows to me easily and effortlessly
  16. Every day in every way I receive more money
  17. I am deserving of abundance in my life
  18. The more I give the more I receive
  19. Prosperity overflows in my life. I have everything in abundance
  20. Every day is a new day filled with new opportunities
  21. There is plenty of success for everyone
  22. I am grateful for my life
  23. I possess the strength and ability to accomplish all my goals and dreams
  24. I am destined for success
  25. I accept myself and I know I am worthy of great things

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